Miss Jenny
While cleaning out her closet
I happened just to find
A grand, old-fashioned fancy box
I’m sure ‘one of a kind.’
Breathless with anticipation,
I knew it must be dear.
Excitedly, I gently placed it
On a table near.
Carefully, the top I lifted
And slowly looked inside.
Then in sorrow, quickly closed it
It’s contents thus to hide.
For what I saw inside that box
Wrenched sadness from my heart.
Engagement ring, a photograph,
Life dreams all torn apart,
A clipping of an accident,
Two persons in the car.
The man had been identified
With a woman from a bar.
The shame and hurt he left her,
Who loved and trusted him
Borne all these years in silent grief
Alone her eyes grow dim.
The years have gone
God whispered in her ear
Stilled aching of her lonely heart.
One final falling tear.
© May Baker Winkel